samedi 12 août 2017
1 Connection Between Dumbledore's Army and the Marauders You Probably Missed
Throughout the Harry Potter series, the connections between Harry and his parents are made abundantly clear; Harry and his dad, James, look so similar that they're often mistaken for one another, and Harry picks up his dad's knack for Quidditch naturally. It's frequently mentioned that Harry has his mother Lily's eyes, and his fierce, untiring defense of what's right is also something he inherits from her.
But there are other similarities between the Potters' generation and their son's friend group, many of which are subtle . . . yet when articulated, the connections between the Marauders and Dumbledore's Army are striking. In a now-viral post, Tumblr user cameralinz connects several key characters in the series to older generation counterparts.
In Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Sirius tells Harry: "Anyway, I suppose you're the young ones now." The theory reflects this sentiment, suggesting that each of the major characters in Harry's friend group is an opportunity to redeem the losses or failings of the previous generation.
"Anyway, I suppose you're the young ones now."
According to the theory, Neville Longbottom represents what Peter Pettigrew could have been if he'd made better choices. In this same vein, Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, and Luna also act as foils to other members of the Marauders-era Hogwarts class.
But in a more fleshed-out reply to the theory, another Tumblr user challenges the initial character pairings . . . and we're inclined to agree.
Image Source: Tumblr user mischievous-mo0ny
Per this alternate reading, Harry and his friend correspond to different Marauders. In a shocking twist that would surely disturb each of them, Neville actually plays foil to his least favorite teacher, Severus Snape. Why? They each struggle to live up to their families' respective legacy before finding their place among a core group of friends and allies in young adulthood. Snape falls in with the wrong crowd, while Neville chooses a better crew of friends.
Similarly, Ron plays foil to a character that he hates: Peter Pettigrew. Overshadowed, jealous, and insecure in his social standing, Ron displays what Peter could have been if he had overcome his insecurities and remained loyal to his friends.
Ron displays what Peter could have been if he had overcome his insecurities and remained loyal to his friends.
Hermione, who found Sirius Black irresponsible albeit charming, acts as his generational foil: they each fiercely love their chosen families, and struggle with politics related to their blood status.
Luna and Remus Lupin are connected through their outsider status, and their knowledge of fringe magical communities. While each are often socially isolated and ridiculed because of who they are, Luna is different than Lupin due to her confidence and self-acceptance. (On another note: they both have names related to the moon!)
The theory goes on to connect Ginny with confident, sometimes-showoffish James Potter, and Harry to his muggle-raised, talented mother, Lily. The characters are undeniable in their similarities, and might even make you feel silly for not having noticed before.
So, do you agree with this assessment of the Marauders and their Dumbledore's Army counterparts? Let us know in the comments whether you buy into this version of J.K. Rowling's magical series!
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