lundi 14 août 2017
11 Ways Parents Can Teach Kids the Importance of Kindness
Oftentimes, it feels like adults have something to learn from kids when it comes to kindness and loving each other. However, parents still have a serious role in teaching their kiddos the importance of being genuinely caring little people.
According to research conducted by Harvard psychologist Richard Weissbourd and published in the Washington Post, 80 percent of kids studied thought their parents were more focused on their achievements or personal happiness than whether they cared for others. "Children are not born simply good or bad and we should never give up on them. They need adults who will help them become caring, respectful, and responsible for their communities at every stage of their childhood," the researchers wrote.
No matter your child's age, it's never too early or late to start emphasizing the importance of caring for one another. Read on for 11 impactful ways parents can help children understand the value of this attribute.
After Witnessing a Kid's Act of Kindness, This Bus Driver Wrote the Sweetest Note Home
How to Raise an Empathetic Kid in a Selfie-Obsessed World
These Are the 12 Ways to Raise a Genuinely Kind Kid
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