jeudi 17 août 2017

12 Movies Game of Thrones Fans Will Love

With Game of Thrones season seven well under way, it won't be long before the long Winter without new episodes is upon us once again. Before HBO banishes us from Westeros for another year, we need to prepare by doing the only thing that makes sense: stocking up on recommendations for movies that will fill the Game of Thrones-shaped hole in our hearts. Let's be real, nothing else is truly as awesome as watching the Starks and Lannisters clash every Sunday night, but the movies on this list come close. There's a little bit of fantasy, a heavy dose of history, and a few movies that would get the Tyrion Lannister stamp of approval because even though Game of Thrones is dark, even the people of Westeros still make time to crack wise on occasion. Here are 12 movies that Game of Thrones fans will love.

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