jeudi 3 août 2017
20-Minute Flat-Belly and Toned-Arms Workout
schWe like to think of this workout as a two-for-one! We're going to work your abs and arms with a bunch of multitasking moves that target both areas and more. If you're new to working out, don't worry. We offer beginner modifications for all the exercises throughout the video. Grab a set of dumbbells between five and 10 pounds, and get ready to feel the burn. Here's a printable PDF version of the workout so you can take it to the gym.
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On Anna: BodyLanguage
On Brittany: Puma, Koral, and Athletic Propulsion Labs (APL)
On Kaycee: BodyLanguage, Lululemon, and Athletic Propulsion Labs (APL)
Manduka mats and Corkcicle bottles
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