mercredi 16 août 2017
9 Costly Interview Mistakes That Can Lose You the Job Offer
So you think you're prepared for the interview by prepping for all the common interview questions. However, there are still some subtle nuances you may forget or not know about during the interview that can really cost you the job. Here are some red flags interviewers tend to watch out for.
1. You focus the interview around you.
Interviewers can pick up on a "me, me, me" mentality, so make sure that whenever you answer the question, you're not talking about what you want and instead talking about how you want to help the company grow. If you do want to talk about your needs, make sure it aligns with the company's success.
2. You don't take the time to think about your answer.
OK, so you got taken off guard. Many people jump to the first thing they think of because they feel like they need to respond ASAP. And oftentimes blurting what's on your mind isn't always the smartest or rational answer. Take the time to gather your thoughts, even if it means having a bit of silence. Don't worry about the pause in conversation turning off your interviewer, she will most likely appreciate you taking the time to think about your answer. And if you don't know the answer to the question, don't panic. Here's what to do you if you don't know how to answer a question.
3. You beat around the bush.
Get to the point! Sometimes taking winding roads to get to the finish line (or what you really want to say) can really lose the interviewer. Think in bullet points. When you first answer the question, respond in bullet points, then you can take more time to explain each one. Be succinct and your answers will be more memorable.
4. You don't understand the company and product.
If you don't understand the company or the product, it means you're not even doing the basic research you need for the interview. Why should they even consider you if you're not putting forward the effort? It'll seem like you don't have any passion for or interest in the company, which is a huge red flag. Your interviewer is taking the time out of her day to interview you and you didn't bother taking the time to do a bit of research? This alone can cause an immediate rejection.
5. You are kind of boring.
OK, you've checked off all your boxes and you're coming across a little too perfect and polished. Show some of your personality in the interview and let the interviewer catch a glimpse of the real you. Don't be afraid to do so - I'm sure they'll appreciate your authenticity. Don't just tell them what you think they want to hear, because that can sound a little too practiced.
6. You're begging.
You really need this job because your electricity is about to be shut off if you don't pay off your bill soon. That's important to you but not important to the company. They are hiring you based on their needs and not yours, so don't ever try to use your dire situation as a reason for them to hire you. Instead, show them why they actually need you and would be lucky to have you. Be confident, and it'll shine through.
7. You talk about salary and benefits before the interviewer brings it up.
Look, I know it's important to you, but let's not get ahead of ourselves here. Don't bring this up before your interviewer does or it'll do nothing to help your case and instead really annoy her. Your interviewer wants to see what you can do for the company, not what's in it for you. Plus, by asking about it, you're acting as if you already got the job, which can irk the hiring manager as well.
8. You say negative things about your former employer.
Yes, you may have had the boss from hell, but badmouthing her will just be bad form. It does not look professional, and it will cast a negative tinge on you as a candidate. You only have one chance to make an impression and first impressions are what stay in our minds during interviews.
9. You don't ask questions.
THIS. Hiring managers have told me that questions candidates ask can make or break the interview, so make sure you're asking all the right questions. The questions can show how serious you are about the job, how you care about the company, and how your mind works. The right and thoughtful questions can really impress the interviewer.
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