dimanche 20 août 2017
Apparently Trump Jr. Is "Miserable" and "Can't Wait" For the Presidency to Be Over
Unlike Ivanka Trump, who appears to relish her role in her father's administration, Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump are reportedly feeling the complete opposite. Though the two sons remained in New York to handle President Donald Trump's business, they don't like the extra attention they receive, sources told People magazine. In fact, the two brothers reportedly told friends that they "never wanted this." Trump Jr. is apparently "miserable" and "can't wait for these four years to be over."
It looks like Trump's presidency has hit Trump Jr. the hardest. "Don can't do any deals, because he'll be overly scrutinized. He just goes to work every day and is miserable," a source said to People.
Despite the weird phrase Trump used to defend his son amid his email scandal involving a Russian lawyer, Trump Jr. and his brother won't say anything bad about their father. "The loyalty within this family is insane," a family friend said. "They would never speak against their dad."
The Trump sons could learn from their sister Ivanka, who likes to reiterate that she stands up to her father. Instead, it looks like they might just wait it out. "You can't bite the hand that feeds you, but [Trump Jr.] can't wait for these four years to be over," a source said. Don't worry, Trump sons: plenty of people are waiting for that day as well - or for Trump's resignation.
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