mercredi 16 août 2017
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» Ditch the Coffee - Here's How Much Wine You'll Need For Every Upcoming Back-to-School Situation
Ditch the Coffee - Here's How Much Wine You'll Need For Every Upcoming Back-to-School Situation
Using coffee as a way to keep yourself ready and raring to go is a thing of the past. These days, we're turning to Mommy's grape juice to help us with the nitty-gritty scenarios, especially the situations back-to-school season gets us into. Waking up sleepy kids? Turn to your trusty Merlot. Buying enough colored pencils to construct a life-size replica of your child's school? Grab a bottle of your favorite Pinot Grigio. It's going to be a long school year, mamas.
Scroll through to find out approximately how much wine you'll need for every upcoming back-to-school situation on a scale of 🍷 to 🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷.
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