samedi 19 août 2017

How to Make the Perfect Cheesy Scrambled Eggs For 1

There are so many ways to make scrambled eggs, but this method is hands down my favorite, mostly because it involves cheese. I firmly believe that cheddar cheese instantly takes scrambled eggs from completely blah to truly tasty - it's the only time I'll make scrambled instead of fried. If you, too, are team cheesy scrambled eggs and want to know how to make the perfect plate just for yourself, follow these step-by-step directions for a satisfying breakfast you can make in under 10 minutes.

Here's what you'll need: two large eggs, 1/4 cup sharp shredded cheddar cheese (preferably freshly grated cheese from a block of extra sharp cheddar - it tastes better and melts better than cheese from a bag), salt, pepper, butter, and fresh chives (optional but highly recommended - the flavor of cheddar and chives is one of the best). First, get all your ingredients prepped and ready to go because the process moves really quickly once you begin. Crack two eggs into a bowl, grate the cheese, and finely chop about 1/2 tablespoon of fresh chives to save for garnish.

Whisk the eggs with a fork until frothy and smooth, and add a scant 1/8 teaspoon of kosher salt and slightly less black pepper. Whisk to combine.

Heat your best nonstick skillet over medium-low heat and wait until it's heated through, about three minutes. Add one tablespoon butter (or ghee, aka clarified butter), and swirl to coat the pan. Immediately add the eggs (you don't want to give the butter a chance to brown), and grab a silicone spatula. A silicone spatula is hands down the best tool for scrambling eggs because its smooth surface ensures no eggs stick to the spatula.

Begin gently moving the eggs around, and you'll see curds starting to form immediately. Scrape the eggs from the outer edges of the pan into the center, and continue to gently move your spatula - don't stop moving the eggs the whole time. When the eggs are still a little wet, add all of the cheese and fold in carefully. Cook for just a few seconds more, and then turn off the heat (the residual heat will continue to cook the eggs). Plate the eggs and garnish with the chopped chives, if using. Serve immediately, and congratulate yourself on mastering one of the best breakfasts! You can double or triple the recipe if you're feeding others, but be warned - they'll ask you for your secret.

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