jeudi 24 août 2017

Let's Take Bets on Who the Big Death of the Game of Thrones Finale Will Be

DUN dun DUN DUN, DUN dun DUN DUN - that's right, friends, the Game of Thrones season finale is already upon us! Don't just grieve for the rudely short season, either; grieve for the inevitable character death, nay deaths, that the season finale promises. The penultimate episodes of each season always have a lot of deaths, too, and last week was no different (RIP Viserion), but the finales are just as bad. Remember Tommen's fateful step into the air from season six? Or the entire Sept blowing? And that time in the season five finale when a side character you barely noticed named Jon Snow is stabbed to death for the watch?

Yeah, so, gird your loins. A lot of important characters have already died this season, so the season finale is probably going to get even crazier. While we hope that someone we hate meets their end in the episode, we know it's equally likely that a fan favorite will die. Now, this is Game of Thrones, and we know that literally anyone could be on the chopping block at any time, but we have a handful of specific predictions for the characters who are likely to die, and why.

That said, we're leaving out several characters who recently had a brush with death in the thinking (and the hopes) that they're in the clear (that mainly means Jon Snow, Daenerys, Jaime, and most of the "Beyond the Wall" gang). But like I said, this show has always been more than ready to bum you out, so no one is safe.

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