dimanche 20 août 2017
Mom's Message to the Flight Attendant Who Intervened When "All Hell Broke Loose"
After a vacation in Palm Springs, Whitney Poyntz and her family were returning to Calgary when she boarded her flight with her husband and sleeping 4-month-old. Considering that the little one was already snoozing, the new parents relaxed a bit thinking that it would be an easy flight but quickly realized just how wrong they were.
Once the captain came on the intercom, the infant woke up but was able to be nursed back to sleep. "About 30 minutes later all hell broke loose. [I'm] not sure if it was gas or maybe pressure but we did not have a happy baby, and unfortunately those seats aren't made for rocking or trying to put a baby back to sleep," Whitney wrote on Facebook. "Eyes glaring, sweat dripping down our foreheads trying to get her back to sleep, in comes the hero of the day... a flight attendant named Ashley."
Ashley approached the anxious parents and asked not only if she could hold the agitated baby but also if she could take her for a walk. "The first thought in my head was 'Um, a stranger wants to walk my screaming child up and down the aisle?!?!' But she did and got her calmed down," Whitney wrote. "The experience was amazing. Never would I ever think someone would ever do that, volunteer to take your screaming child, but she did."
Whitney knows that to some, this might not seem like a big deal, but she wants everyone to understand how much this act of kindness meant to a stressed new mom just trying to keep it all together. "WestJet (Ashley), I would like to thank you for the over and above customer service (baby whispering) that you gave, truly the greatest airline," she wrote.
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