jeudi 17 août 2017
Mom's Reaction to Delivering an 11-Pound Baby Boy at Home Is Perfect
Natalie had a feeling her third child was going to be on the bigger side, but after delivering the 11-pound, 2-ounce baby naturally and at home, she understandably responded with a shocked reaction. Luckily for us, her birth photographer, Laura Fifield, caught that reaction - and so many more stunning moments from this beautiful, family-centered home birth - on camera.
With her two older children awake and present for the birth and her husband by her side, Natalie spent most of her labor in the birth pool, pushing just a few times before giving birth to her gorgeous baby boy, Simon. The gender was a surprise, and Laura told POPSUGAR Moms that the reaction of Natalie's she caught in the photo above was a mixture of "Wow, I did it" and the baby's gender being revealed.
After some skin-to-skin time and Simon's first nursing session, Natalie's midwives took the little guy to be weighed. "Imagine the surprise when her midwife announced, 'He's 11 pounds, two ounces, Natalie!' Oh my goodness, we were all shocked!" Laura wrote on her blog.
Look through to see more photos from Natalie's home birth.
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