lundi 21 août 2017
See Why This Sister's Breastfeeding Photo Sparked a Major Debate About Wet Nursing
A breastfeeding photo is once again the center of an internet debate, but this time, people have some strong opinions about a mom breastfeeding her sister's baby. The photo was shared on the popular Breastfeeding Mama Talk Facebook page and it really has people fired up.
"In some weird chain of events today I ended up breast feeding my sisters son while she was away, because he would not take the bottle his momma pumped him. In return because my son won't latch and is strictly fed bottles I pump, my sister was able to feed my son her perfectly good pumped milk. Which made for two very happy and content babies. #bonding #familyiseverything #breastmilkforthewin."
And just like that, two babies were fed! Most moms can agree that it's incredibly frustrating when your child won't latch or take a bottle, but this mom solved those two major problems at once. But as expected, some Facebook users were not pleased that she nursed her nephew. Others, however, have praised her for stepping up and helping her sister's baby, stating that nothing is stronger than the bond of family. What do you think?
Check out some of the positive reactions to this mom's photo:
18 Signs That You Most Definitely Breastfeed Your Baby
Every Mom Who's Feared Public Breastfeeding Needs to Read This Woman's Words
Pump and Dump No More! If You Breastfeed, You Can Still Drink Without Wasting Milk
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