samedi 12 août 2017
Shape and Tone Your Butt in Just 3 Weeks
A shapely, rounded, perky tush not only gives you confidence in your yoga pants and bathing suit, but toning your backside with butt exercises will also make you stronger for your active lifestyle whether you run, cycle, swim, dance, climb, or play sports. This challenge takes minutes to do each day, requires no equipment, and is simple enough even for bodyweight-exercise newbies.
Getting started: This challenge consists of five basic exercises that target your glutes and thighs. Over the course of the challenge, you will increase the number of reps you're doing of each exercise, eventually working up to three sets of 15 reps for each exercise. Below is an explanation of how to do each of the five exercises, followed by the plan itself. If the challenge ever feels too easy, go ahead and increase the number of reps, or repeat the circuit for another round.
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