samedi 19 août 2017
The Most Dangerous Sunscreens For Kids (and They're Probably Hiding in Your Beach Bag)
Along with wearing sunglasses and hats, sunscreen should always be a part of your family's Summer routine - but is the sunscreen in your beach bag right now actually safe? The EWG released its annual list of the sunscreens with the worst ratings for 2017 to alert parents.
The sunscreens that made the list have potentially harmful chemicals - oxybenzone (which can disrupt the hormone system) and retinyl palmitate (which may actually trigger skin damage on sun-exposed skin) - and high SPFs that don't actually do any more to protect your child than an SPF 30-50. Additionally, some formulas come in a spray that won't completely cover your little one's skin and could be inhaled into their lungs.
If any of these are in your arsenal, toss them and opt for one of these safe sunscreens instead.
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