jeudi 3 août 2017

Think You Could Spot Game of Thrones' Lord Varys Out in Public? Probably Not

Lord Varys (Conleth Hill) is one of those sneaky characters on Game of Thrones - you never really know where his loyalties lie and he always seems to be up to something. But do you think you'd be able to spot him out in public? Our guess is probably not. Unlike Varys, Conleth actually has a full head of hair. "It's funny, because I wasn't bald for 47 years before I did this, so [my hair] is normal to me," Conleth recently told Business Insider. "But other people get freaked out by the hair."

While Conleth initially hated shaving his head every year, he's come to terms with it now and actually kind of likes it. "I'm not so conspicuous when I'm not on set, since I look so different year round. My hair grows back fairly fast after shooting, so I'm not hounded at home." Which look do you prefer?

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