mercredi 23 août 2017

What to Do Tonight to Have the Best Day Ever Tomorrow

Waking up groggy and unprepared does not make for a happy morning. Incorporate these bedtime rituals into your evening routine, and you'll immediately reap the positive benefits.

  1. Sip different: While a glass of wine or another boozy nightcap can make for a nice night, it is not supporting your goals for the next day. Stick with these better-for-you before-bed drinks that won't mess with your energy or sleep.
  2. Snack right: Certain snacking can support a healthy night's sleep. Opt for something light (around 150 calories) like these calm-inducing snacks.
  3. Pick up, pack up: Spend 10 minutes tidying up your home and packing up your work and gym bags for the following day. This way, you wake up to a clean, Zen space, and you'll have more time to linger over your coffee and breakfast.
  4. Write it down: Instead of trying to run down a long mental list (and inevitably forget something), write down what you need to do the following day - especially the things you tend to forget. Since I've adopted this habit, I'm much calmer in the morning and have not left my apartment without grabbing my lunch first.
  5. Turn it off: Keeping your electronics on all night is affecting your sleep patterns, which can zap your energy the following morning. Say goodbye to Netflix binges in bed, and unwind with a book or magazine instead.
  6. Get to bed: Listen to your body when it's tired! It's imperative to make sure you're getting at least seven hours of sleep every night, so you wake up feeling fabulous and ready to take on whatever tomorrow might bring.

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