dimanche 3 septembre 2017

3 Reasons "Polite Persistence" Will Get You Hired

When your interview ends, the process is NOT over yet. How you follow up afterward can have an impact on whether or not you get the job. There's a way to be assertive without being pushy, and Fred Goff, CEO of job-seeking website Jobcase, says the key to following up (and getting the job!) is "polite persistence." Here's how to be a successful job seeker without being a job stalker.

1. Follow up on the résumé you sent in.

When you send in an application or résumé, follow up the next day to make sure it was received. Many employers ask that you don't call, so a follow-up email is often your best bet. However, if the hiring manager/company does accept calls, then following up with a brief call after sending in your application can also be a good way to get remembered. "Somewhere between one day and one week later," Goff said, "call to ask if you are being considered for the role and, if so, when you might expect to come in to meet the hiring manager."

2. Say thank you (a lot)!

If you get an in-person interview, make sure to follow up with a thank you! Don't overdo it - it can come off as fake flattery or kissing up. But a genuine show of appreciation for someone's time can go a long way. "Send a thank-you note for their time and consideration," Goff said. "Include something from the meeting that convinced you that you will be right for the role (this shows you listened, and reminds them who you are - if they are interviewing a lot of people this could be important!). Don't leave anyone out - thank EVERYONE you meet! It can't hurt."

3. Follow up again if you don't hear back after your interview.

Follow up after your interview, and if you still don't hear back, follow up again. Be assertive, but polite! "Oftentimes the persistence becomes a key factor in getting the job," Goff said. "Polite persistence wins the day! If you are rejected, be sure to still thank the employer for their time. Why thank the rejection? Because chances are they will hire again, and you just put yourself back in consideration!"


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