samedi 2 septembre 2017

5 Natural Tips For the Wellness-Loving Jet-Setter

The mind, body, and soul can always appreciate when we decide to pack up and explore new places. Sometimes the journey to get there has health-burdening effects - like being stuck on an airplane for hours, off-balance digestion, jet lag, and dry skin, to name a few. That shouldn't stop you from seeing more of the world. If you're a lover of travel and all things wellness, it's important to be mindful about supporting your body and sticking to a balanced routine while away from home. Have a long flight ahead of you and still want to keep up with your everyday wellness practices? Keep reading.

  1. Take echinacea before and after traveling: When this all-natural supplement is taken during travel time in the form of tablets or tea, it can help to reduce upper respiratory symptoms that appear as a result of flying, mid-travel headaches, and jet lag duration. It's a major immune booster filled with antioxidants. Start up to two weeks before your travels and follow up for another 14 days when you get back home.
  2. Use elixirs for a postflight glow: The way we look on the outside starts with what we put on the inside. For those with dietary restrictions, traveling can be a bit difficult. Flights usually serve highly processed meals and clean eating isn't always easily accessible when you're arriving in a foreign country. Beauty elixirs - nutritional powders that are packed with vitamins and minerals - can make up for it. Just add them to your water and drink up.
  3. Hydrate with more than just water: Flying can be extremely dehydrating and the effects can last for days, sometimes weeks. While drinking lots of water is always a good idea, there are other ways to hydrate. All-natural facial oils and thermal water sprays are the ideal carry-on companion. Apply before, during, and after traveling to kick up moisture and nourish dry skin.
  4. Fight inflammation with milk thistle: Flights and long car rides tend to end in some sort of discomfort and a bit of swelling. One way to combat this is with the help of natural supplements. Milk thistle is a highly anti-inflammatory, detoxifying option that can be found at your local Trader Joe's! If you want to get creative, you can open up the tablets and pour their contents right into a smoothie or drink to take on the go.
  5. Get some help staying stress-free: Some people get anxious while flying, some have trouble sleeping, and others just get stressed out on their way from point A to point B. Valerian root and lavender essential oil are calming herbal remedies. Take the root by mouth and add the oil to your temples, wrists, or favorite travel pillow to put yourself at ease.

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