mercredi 13 septembre 2017
Colored Leggings You Can Work Out in Without Looking Like You Peed Yourself
Until recently, my athleisure wardrobe was all black with some gray speckled in here and there for good measure. I had no interest in wearing bright colors or anything remotely close to white when I worked out - all because I was afraid of the sweat visibly showing up in my crotch. I'm one of those people who sweats really easily (sexy, right?), so it doesn't take long for me to, er, glisten during my workout. But I felt like I was missing out on all sorts of cute workout clothes, so I decided to investigate and see if there were some bright leggings out there that I could comfortably sweat in without it looking like I'd accidentally peed all over myself.
I must have tried at least 10 different pairs of workout pants over the course of a few weeks. I mustered up the courage to wear white, yellow, and neon leggings to the sweatiest kinds of activities, from hot yoga to an endurance running class. There were definitely a few embarrassing moments along the way, but I came out on the other side with four winners.
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