dimanche 17 septembre 2017
Donald Trump's Latest Attack on Hillary Clinton Is Downright Childish
President Trump unleashed yet another series of unhinged tweets on Sunday morning; one of them included a retweet of an edited GIF of himself taking a swing on a golf course and hitting Hillary Clinton in the back with a golf ball. The real footage of Clinton tripping while boarding a plane happened in 2011 when she was secretary of state. This comes after Clinton responded to Trump's "crooked Hillary" tweets earlier in the week. Trump attacked the former Secretary of State over her new book, What Happened, in which she recalls how and why Donald Trump won the election.
Donald Trump's amazing golf swing #CrookedHillary http://pic.twitter.com/vKhxxFCBV1
- Mike (@Fuctupmind) September 14, 2017
Social media quickly responded to Trump's bizarre and childish retweet calling out how offensive and unpresidential it is to perpetuate violence as President of the United States.
You can't deny the gross violent misogyny in that clip Trump retweeted of Clinton getting hit by his golf ball.
It's appalling.- Tina Issa 🇺🇸 (@tinaissa) September 17, 2017
Some Trump supporters defend the indefensible. Retweeting himself hitting golf ball at Hillary Clinton, not normal, adult or presidential. https://t.co/9XtZEHLVhb
- Ana Navarro (@ananavarro) September 17, 2017
Will the secret service treat Trump's endorsement of a video insinuating assault against Clinton seriously? Disturbing on top of immature.
- Molly (@isteintraum) September 17, 2017
The Secret Service should have a chat with him...He is promoting a violent act towards someone under their protection.
- WendyG (@wglaaber) September 17, 2017
Why would any leader or any human condone violence against anyone? @IvankaTrump why aren't U standing for women? See what your dad tweets.
- Naina Jolie (@nainajolie) September 17, 2017
Totally disgusting that a president would engage in that kind of horrific behavior. As always, an embarrassment to our country.
- Carol Pumpian (@capumpian) September 17, 2017
Hey Melania, how's that anti-cyber bullying campaign coming along? 🤦♂️
- Trumpasaurus Wrecks (@Labfarm3) September 17, 2017
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