mercredi 13 septembre 2017

Don't Know What to Do at the Gym? Let These 2 Trainers Guide You Through a Workout

Have you ever walked into a gym and immediately had no idea what to do or where to start? Those machines and weights may look like a lot at first, but you just need someone to show you the ropes . . . then it gets fun. Masters of said fun are Carlos Davila and Troy Brooks, trainers at Fhitting Room in New York City.

They use a range of machines and gym equipment to design superfun, dynamic, and challenging workouts for their classes in NYC, but today they've made a foolproof guide to the gym that'll walk you through a warmup, a couple sets using machines, a kettlebell circuit, and some bodyweight moves. Ready? Make sure you have your form dialed, and then use this as your how-to while you get acquainted with the different parts of your gym. You'll be a pro in no time.

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