samedi 16 septembre 2017
Fat-Blasting, Full-Body Tabata Workout
Tabata interval workouts are all the rage these days, and for good reason. This high-intensity training is fun, blasts calories, and moves so quickly that it's hard to get bored. For Tabata, you perform an exercise at maximal intensity for 20 seconds, followed by 10 seconds of rest. You repeat this on-off pattern a total of eight times, making one complete Tabata round four minutes.
This time-saving Tabata session works your entire body in just under 40 minutes. And with no equipment needed, you have no excuse not to give it a try. Click here for a printable PDF of the workout. Take it to the gym or tape it to your fridge to remind you to get your sweat on - but do the workout and let us know what you think.
If you need a refresher on the extercises, here are more details on the moves.
Tabata One
Jumping jack: Take a trip back to gym class and warm up with jumping jacks. Try to do one more rep with each round.
Tabata Two
Alternating backward lunge: Step your right foot back, coming into a full lunge before returning to standing, then repeat on the other side. This exercise stretches out the front of your hips while working your glutes.
Core series (perform each exercise for 30 seconds)
Elbow plank: Balance in plank position with elbows directly under shoulders and abs pulling to your spine.
Side elbow plank right: Roll body to right to do a side elbow plank, with feet stacked.
Elbow plank: Return to elbow plank in center.
Side elbow plank left: Roll to left to perform an elbow plank on left side.
Elbow plank: Return to elbow plank one last time.
Rest for one minute.
Tabata Three
Burpee: Jump straight up, landing in a squat, jump legs out into a plank, do push-up, jump leg back to squat, to jump straight up. Repeat this sequence in one continuous sequence. This move will increase your heart rate, while working your entire body.
Tabata Four
Side skate: Start in a small squat, jump sideways to the right landing on your right leg, then left, reverse direction by jumping to left with left leg. Keep alternating sideways jumps. Skaters work the glute meds, the supportive muscle on the outside of pelvis.
Arm series (perform each exercise for 30 seconds)
Reverse plank: Sit with hands on the ground behind your pelvis with fingers facing in. Lift pelvis up as high as you can, straighten legs, and balance on your heels.
Reverse plank with leg lifts: Maintain the reverse plank and lift right leg up as high as you can without letting pelvis drop, then switch legs. Continue alternating legs.
Triceps dips: Come to a tabletop position and bend elbows to work your triceps.
Alternating legs with triceps dips: As you bend elbows in triceps dip, lift right leg. Alternate lifting your legs with each repetition.
Tabletop hold: Hold the tabletop position with hands underneath your shoulders, fingers facing your heels, and knees directly over the ankles. Keep the pelvis up.
Rest one minute.
Tabata Five
Bicycle crunch: Lie on your back with hands behind your head. Lift head and rotate to bring elbow to opposite knee, then switch sides. Continue alternating sides to work the abs, especially the obliques.
Tabata Six
Toe-touch crunch: Lie on back and reach your arms and legs toward ceiling. Lift your head and shoulder off the ground and touch your toes, while lifting pelvis slightly off ground so toes move toward fingers. If your neck tires, place one hand behind your head.
Back series (perform each exercise for 30 seconds)
Superman: Lie prone, and lift arms, legs, and head off the ground and hold the position.
Prone alternating leg lift: Place hands under your forehead, lift low abs away from floor, and lift right leg up keeping knee straight and pelvis on the floor. Then switch legs and continue alternating.
Pilates swimming: Lie prone with arms reaching overhead. Lift your head off floor and raise your right arm and left leg, lower them, and switch sides. Continue alternating sides.
Opposite arm and leg reach on all fours: Start on hands and knees, reach the right arm forward as you reach the left leg back, keeping torso stable. Come back to all fours and switch sides.
Downward Facing Dog: Start on hands and knees, tuck your toes under, and straighten knees to lift your pelvis, coming into an upside-down "V" shape.
Download the printable PDF here.
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