jeudi 7 septembre 2017

Here's When and How Much You Should Tip in Europe

When traveling, it can be hard to know whether you should tip or not. Customs change from one county to the other, and although most of us could make an educated guess, you could accidentally end up offending someone. To make things a bit easier, we've done some digging, and here's everything you should know about the etiquette of tipping in Europe.

  • Albania: Tipping isn't required, but always appreciated. Most people tend to round the bill up in restaurants.
  • Andorra and Spain: In Spain, people working in the hospitality industry tend to be full-time employees, and thus earn a salary. Tipping isn't expected, but feel free to give a euro or two at a restaurant if the service has been particularly good.
  • Armenia: Tipping is relatively new in Armenia, but it's well established in Yerevan, the capital. For bigger bills, anything from 10 to 20 percent will be enough; for smaller bills, simply leave the change.
  • Austria: In Austria, it usually is expected of tourists to at least round up their bill, or add around 10 percent. It is common to tip drivers and expected to tip bartenders. Know that bar customers pay their bills individually, which means that each individual will give their own tip.
  • Azerbaijan: Tipping isn't very common in Azerbaijan, although taxi drivers might expect you to round up the fare.
  • Belarus: Once again, tipping is quite unusual, but rounding up your bill or taxi fare will not go unnoticed.
  • Belgium: You are under no obligation to tip in Belgium as a service charge will be included in your bill. However, feel free to leave a few euros on the table if the service was exceptional.
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina: Prices in Bosnia and Herzegovina are very low, so tipping will be appreciated. Tips are excepted in restaurants and bars (5 to 10 percent of the total), and other places will usually round up your fare.
  • Bulgaria: Staff in Bulgaria is paid a minimum wage, and will thus be expecting you to tip - the average is 10 percent of the bill.
  • Croatia: Once again, leaving a 10 percent gratuity will be expected, even if taxes were included in your bill.
  • Cyprus: In Cyprus, tipping is pretty much up to you. Some places will include a service charge, but others might expect you to leave a couple of euros on the table.
  • Czech Republic: Leaving a tip of at least 10 percent of the total is expected, especially in tourist hubs such as Prague and Cesky Krumlov.
  • Denmark: Tipping won't be expected in Denmark, as service tends to be included in bills. That being said, it will be appreciated.
  • Estonia: Tipping is fairly new to Estonia and generally won't be expected of you. If the service was good, you can however round up the bill or leave a gratuity of 5 or 10 percent.
  • Finland: Tipping isn't really common in Finland, as service will generally be included in the bill. Most people tend to pay by card, so if you do want to tip, ask the waiter to type a different amount, or leave a bit of cash in the tipping jar.
  • France and Monaco: Taxes generally are included in bills, and nobody will expect you to tip. If the service has been good, you can leave a euro or two (or more) on the table. Waiters earn slightly more than the minimum wage and usually share the tips at the end of the day.
  • Georgia: Tipping isn't common in Georgia, but will be appreciated. It will also depend on the kind of hotel you are staying at - more luxurious ones might expect a gratuity.
  • Germany: Service is always included in restaurant bills, but as explained on the website, "you should tip, even if you are not obliged to." Rounding up should be enough.
  • Greece: Some restaurants will round your bill up, so do check it out before you leave any gratuity. When tipping, leave it on the table or give it directly to the waiter. Keep in mind that some owners won't let the staff keep the tips.
  • Hungary: It is common to tip between 10 and 15 percent of the total bill at sit-down restaurants - other places will have a tip jar - and taxis will expect a tip of about 5 to 10 percent.
  • Iceland: In Iceland, tipping won't be expected, but, as in most countries, will be appreciated.
  • Ireland and the UK: It is usually expected to leave a gratuity of 10 percent or more if the service was exceptionally good. However, service sometimes is included in the bill - in that case, don't feel obligated to tip any further.
  • Italy, San Marino, and Vatican City: Tips are not expected as a service charge will be included in your bill, but seen as generous. Most people leave a few euros on the table, but rarely more than 10 percent of the total.
  • Kosovo: In Kosovo, tipping won't be expected but will be appreciated.
  • Latvia: Tipping isn't common or expected in Latvia, but you can leave up to 10 percent of the total if you enjoyed the service.
  • Liechtenstein: A service charge will be included in your bills, so tipping won't be expected. However, feel free to tip extra if the service was good.
  • Lithuania: Tipping won't be expected, but when at a restaurant, check to see if a service charge was added to the bill - if it's not the case, then tip 5 or 10 percent.
  • Luxembourg: Tips will be expected by taxi drivers (about 10 percent), as well as by hotel staff if the service is good (a couple of euros per night). A 15 percent service charge will generally be added to your bill at restaurants and bars, and luxurious places will usually be expecting an additional tip of 10 percent.
  • Macedonia: Assuming the service was good, a tip of 10 percent will be expected at restaurants. It is also common to tip taxi drivers or to at least round up the fare.
  • Malta: A 10 percent service charge will often be included in hotel bills, and tipping the maid a couple of euros per night might be expected when staying at a nice hotel. Most people round the taxi fare up, and unless a service charge is added, you should tip restaurants and bars 5 to 10 percent of the final bill.
  • Moldova: Tipping is becoming common in Moldova, and although a service charge will be included, it will be expected to add a gratuity of 5 to 10 percent.
  • Montenegro: In Montenegro, tips are given to waiters, taxi drivers, and hotel staff.
  • Netherlands: Service charges will be included in all your bills (taxi included), so no tipping will be expected.
  • Norway: Tipping isn't required in Norway, but rounding up the bill is very much appreciated.
  • Poland: In Poland, tipping taxi drivers (about 10 percent of the bill) will be expected. In restaurants, make sure that a service charge wasn't included, and if that wasn't the case, then you should leave a gratuity of 10 percent. One thing to know: "thank you" translates to "keep the change!"
  • Portugal: Tipping is extremely common in Portugal, especially in touristy areas. Taxi drivers will be expecting you to round up to the nearest five euros, restaurants will be expecting a gratuity of 10 percent, and bars will be expecting a few euros.
  • Romania: Tipping is so important in Romania that you even have to do it at the hospital before being seen by the doctor. So do leave a 10 percent gratuity at bars and restaurants, tip bell boys and maids, and round up taxi fares.
  • Russia: Although Russians don't necessarily tip, you will be expected to do so. A gratuity of 10 to 15 percent is appropriate at bars and restaurants, and you should round your taxi fares up.
  • Serbia: Tipping in Serbian restaurants isn't obligatory, but it will be appreciated. As for bars and taxis, leave a tip by simply rounding up the bill.
  • Slovakia: Tipping in hotels or when using a taxi isn't expected in Slovakia. In bars and restaurants, it is common to round up the bill or leave a gratuity of 10 percent. When you do so, don't leave it on the table and hand it directly to the waiter. Also, make sure to say "thank you" after and not before tipping, as it could be believed that you're leaving all the change as a tip.
  • Slovenia: tipping isn't common or expected in Slovenia, so don't feel the need to do so. Just know that a service charge will be included in your restaurant bill.
  • Sweden: Service is almost always included in restaurants, but feel free to tip if you enjoyed the service. That being said, bar staff and taxi drivers will not be expecting you to tip - just to round up if you're paying by cash. As for hotel staff, they might look a bit shocked if you try to hand them some euros as that would imply that their living is dependent on your goodwill, and not on their qualifications.
  • Switzerland: Service will be included in most of your bills, so don't worry too much about tipping. However, feel free to do so if you're feeling generous or if service has been particularly good.
  • Turkey: In Turkey, you will be expected to tip 5 to 10 percent in bars, restaurants, and cafés. Taxi fares should also be rounded up.
  • Ukraine: Tipping is becoming more common in Ukraine, but you won't need to go any higher than 5 or 10 percent. Make sure a service charge hasn't been included to your bill, and don't feel like you have to tip if the service wasn't good.

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