vendredi 15 septembre 2017
Holy Hell: See the First Photo of Stranger Things Star David Harbour as Hellboy
Image Source: Lionsgate and Getty / J. Kempin
The first official look at the Hellboy reboot is here, and we have to say that we're pleasantly surprised. Stranger Things star David Harbour is taking over for Ron Perlman in the film, due out in 2018, and it looks like the character has gotten a few updates to how he looked in the 2004 and 2008 originals. The demonic hero appears to have ditched his trademark trenchcoat and grown out his hair, for starters. And how about that Right Hand of Doom? Instead of the traditional stone fist that Hellboy uses to battle the occult, the new one looks like it's made out of some kind of metal (and has taken quite the beating).
In addition to Harbour, the reboot stars Milla Jovovich as Nimue the Blood Queen, Merlin's consort who wants to bring about the end of the world (NBD). Hellboy journeys to England to destroy her before it's too late with the help of Professor Broom (Ian McShane) and Ben Daimio (Daniel Dae Kim, replacing Ed Skrein). Hellboy doesn't arrive in theaters until Jan. 11, 2019, so why don't you settle in and obsess over the full image below in the meantime?
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