lundi 4 septembre 2017
Holy Sh*t, This Look at How Game of Thrones Is Made Is Absolutely Insane
It's obvious that there's an incredible amount of work put into each Game of Thrones episode, but this behind-the-scenes look at what each moment actually requires is absolutely wild. HBO offers a peek behind the curtain in its new seven-part series, Game Revealed, which shows the making of each episode. In episode one, a number of cool moments are addressed, including Arya's transformation into Walder Frey, the march of the White Walkers, Ed Sheeran's cameo, that hilarious Samwell Tarly montage, and Daenerys Targaryen's arrival in Westeros. Particularly fascinating is the work behind the Dragonstone set, which creator David Benioff called the "best set" they'd ever built. Check out some of the interesting facts from the episode below, then get all the details on season eight.
- The Arya/Walder Frey moment: Maisie Williams wore a full-head prosthetic of actor David Bradley's face, and strategic camera angles helped to sell the moment of her reveal.
- Ed Sheeran's cameo: When Ed saw that he'd be playing a Lannister soldier and Arya would be in the scene, he assumed he'd be killed.
- Cersei's map room: The map of the Seven Kingdoms that Cersei's seen walking on throughout the season is a hand-painted map. Even cooler? The man seen painting the map during the scene with Cersei and Jaime is actually the graphic artist who designed and created the map.
- The Sam Tarly montage: Remember Sam's poop-filled montage at the Citadel? It was only about two minutes long, but it took a whopping three and a half days to shoot.
- Daenerys landing in Westeros: Three different locations were used for the memorable scene.
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