samedi 16 septembre 2017
Is There Such a Thing as Too Much Apple Cider Vinegar? What an Expert Says
Apple cider vinegar has been on our radar for a while now, and we've been hearing different things about its benefits, particularly when it comes to weight loss. There are some studies that suggest apple cider vinegar can slow down the accumulation of fat in your body, but these are few and far between, and they've only been conducted on animals. It's also said to prevent acid reflux and promote the growth of good bacteria in your gut.
Just because it has healthy properties, though, doesn't mean you should toss it back in hefty amounts. It turns out, there is such a thing as consuming too much apple cider vinegar - and the consequences aren't pretty. POPSUGAR spoke with Dr. Frank Lipman, physician and renowned expert in the field of integrative medicine, who gave us the rundown on ACV.
"The recommended dose is one to three tablespoons a day," Dr. Lipman said. "A little goes a long way, and ingesting more can have dire consequences." ACV is very acidic, which has its benefits in the body when ingested in small amounts, but consuming too much will wreak havoc on the body. It could result in nausea, throat burns, and damaged tooth enamel. Your blood sugar may even drop to a dangerously low level.
You might be wondering if diluting ACV will make any difference in these effects, but that's not the case. "Diluting it does not make a difference other than possibly make it more palatable and helping protect your teeth," Dr. Lipman told POPSUGAR.
That doesn't mean you have to cut it out of your diet completely, though. Dr. Lipman said you can certainly eat and drink it up: "Add it to marinades, top your greens with it, infuse your soups, or drink an ACV tonic daily."
"If you suffer from gas, bloating, acid reflux, or constipation, drinking one tablespoon diluted in water before all your meals can help with these digestive troubles by boosting your digestive juices, in particular hydrochloric acid, to help break down your food more easily," Dr. Lipman continued. "Make sure you are purchasing raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar in a glass bottle."
As long as you're not going over the recommended three tablespoons a day, you should be good to go!
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