jeudi 28 septembre 2017

Lyft and Budweiser Are Offering 150,000 Free Rides to Discourage Drunk Driving

Despite numerous public service announcements, education programs, and common sense, people continue to drive drunk - especially during the holidays. It's such a problem that Lyft and Budweiser are once again joining forces to offer 150,000 free round-trip Lyft rides to people in 10 states. The goal? To reduce drunk driving, keep the roads safe, and most importantly, make sure you make it home alive.

The free rides are part of Budweiser's bigger "Give a Damn. Don't Drive Drunk" campaign that aims to reduce drunk driving. The 150,000 round-trip rides will be available to use on the weekends and during the holidays until the end of 2017. People over the age of 21 can use it in the following states: New York, Colorado, Illinois, Florida, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Missouri, Texas, Georgia, and Washington DC. To get the free ride credit starting Sept. 21, you'll need to stay tuned on Budweiser's Facebook and Instagram page each Thursday at 2 p.m. ET to find out the promo code. You can then use the $20 ride credit for rides on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday from 5 p.m. to 5 a.m. local time.

The ride sharing company and beer brand teamed up for a similar promotion in 2016, and Lyft couldn't be more excited about bring it back this year. "This partnership encourages consumers to make the right choice about how they get home, and it celebrates the drivers who make it possible," said Melissa Waters, vice president of marketing at Lyft, in a press release. The teamwork between these two companies is clearly needed; the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that 28 people die in a car crash related to a drunk driver every day. Do yourself (and others on the road) a favor: don't drive drunk - consider taking an alternative means of transportation home instead.

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