lundi 4 septembre 2017
Noosa Sees Your Regular Yogurt and Raises You This Pumpkin Pie Heaven in a Cup
If you want all of the pumpkin all of the time, you're absolutely going to need Noosa Yoghurt's pumpkin variety - it's the closest you can come to pumpkin cheesecake for breakfast without actually eating pumpkin cheesecake for breakfast.
We know that yogurt is an excellent protein-packed, debloating snack and breakfast option (it's full of probiotics and active cultures for your gut health!), but Noosa takes it to the next level of decadence: this is essentially a healthy dessert. In a four-ounce, 145-calorie serving, you'll get six grams of protein, 15 grams of sugar, 16 grams of carbohydrates, and six grams of fat.
The Pumpkin flavor Noosa Yoghurt scored am *almost* unanimous 5/5 score, aside from one rogue 3.5 (one person didn't taste the pumpkin).
- In the words of Britney, "Gimme gimme more."
- Pumpkin cheesecake - soooo good!
- Daaaaaaaammmmmnnnn!!!
- So pumpkiny and good!
- Creamy; tastes like real pumpkin!
- Mmmm . . . it's like the PSL
- Like a healthy pumpkin pie you can get away with eating for breakfast! Loving the extra creaminess and all the pumpkin pie spices. I'd add toasted pepitas and cinnamon granola to turn this into an awesome meal.
- Divine!
- Yum yum!
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