jeudi 7 septembre 2017
Obsessed With Peanut Butter? Trader Joe's Made This Protein-Packed Granola For You
While strolling through Trader Joe's (my happy place), I stopped my cart in its tracks when I discovered this - Peanut Butter Protein Granola. Uh, hello! That's always been one of my pet peeves about granola, overnight oats, and oatmeal. While it absolutely satisfies my sweet cravings, it's not exactly high in protein, so I usually end up feeling hungry a couple hours after eating it.
It's like Trader Joe's is inside my brain, spooning me exactly what I need. Protein-packed granola for $3.49! Each 260-calorie serving offers 11 grams of protein! Choose regular oats or honey granola, and for the same two-thirds-cup serving, you'll only get six grams of protein. So this new Trader Joe's Peanut Butter Protein Granola offers almost twice the amount. More protein means you'll stay fuller for longer, which means eating fewer total daily calories. So yeah, maybe eating this new Trader Joe's granola can actually help you along on your weight-loss journey.
Where does the protein come from, you ask? From the oats and peanuts, but also from peas. You'll see pea protein on the list of ingredients, the kind you'd find in a plant-based protein powder you'd use to make a morning smoothie. You can't taste it, though, so don't worry about the flavor being compromised. All you'll taste is sweet, peanut buttery goodness in your bowl.
I especially love that it's just nine grams of sugar per serving, and there are whole peanuts that add to the amazing crunchy texture. If you're a fan of peanut butter and granola, this seems like a no-brainer. Excuse us while we add 12 bags to our cart.
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