mardi 5 septembre 2017

Pediatrician's Extreme Message on Vaccines and "Measles-Shedding Children" Is Better Than Gold

Good guy mike

If your baby is a patient of Dr. Mike Ginsberg, don't expect to be able to skip getting your little one vaccinated or to be able to wait it out while you debate the possible pros and cons of these shots. For all of his current and future patients, Mike has a strong message about vaccines and he isn't afraid to share it.

"In my practice, you will vaccinate and you will vaccinate on time. You will not get your own 'spaced-out' schedule that increases your child's risk of illness or adverse events," he wrote on Facebook after a measles outbreak in 2015. "I will not have measles-shedding children sitting in my waiting room."

Although his firm stance could be considered controversial, a screenshot of his words is still going viral as parents continue to support his strong position. The California doctor who practices at North Bay Healthcare explained that he will answer all parents' questions regarding vaccines and will present them with nothing but the facts on the matter. "But if you will not vaccinate, then you will leave my practice," he wrote. "I will file a CPS report (not that they will do anything) for medical neglect, too."

Ginsberg's reasoning is simple and clear: his patients matter and, as a doctor, he refuses to jeopardize their health.

"I have patients who are premature infants with weak lungs and hearts. I have kids with complex congenital heart disease. I have kids who are on chemotherapy for acute lymphoblastic leukemia who cannot get all of their vaccines. In short, I have patients who have true special needs and true health issues who could suffer severe injury or death because of your magical belief that your kid is somehow more special than other children and that what's good for other children is not good for yours.

This pediatrician is not putting up with it. Never have, never will."


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