mercredi 6 septembre 2017
Prince Charles Wanted These Names For William and Harry, but Diana Called Them "Too Old"
Princess Diana and Prince Charles didn't agree on a lot of things during their tumultuous 10-year marriage, and, perhaps quite relatably, baby names was one of them. Like most expectant parents, Charles and Diana had different ideas about what to name their children, but unlike most expectant parents, they were obligated to give their offspring strong, regal names that would sound good with a king or queen title in front of them. The British nobility routinely follow tradition when it comes to picking out names for royal babies, often referencing monarchs of the past - which is why you'll see a number of Georges, Philips, Henrys, Elizabeths, and Victorias in the family tree.
When Diana gave birth to her first son in June 1982, he was given the name William Arthur Philip Louis; two years later, Prince Harry was christened Henry Charles Albert David. In a recorded interview that would go on to be published in the controversial 1992 book Diana: Her Story by Andrew Morton, Diana admitted that she picked the first names for both of her newborn sons after nixing the ones Charles had in mind. When asked, "Who chose [Harry's] name?," Diana said, "I did," adding, "I chose William and Harry, but Charles did the rest." She went on: "He wanted Albert and Arthur, and I said no. Too old!" She may have been on to something, but William could always choose a different regnal name when he becomes king - even Prince Charles, who was christened Charles Philip Arthur George, is expected to be known as King George VII when he takes the throne. William also paid homage to both of his parents with the names of his two children: George Alexander Louis and Charlotte Elizabeth Diana.
Diana also revealed the heartbreaking comment that Charles made shortly after Harry's birth: "His first comment was, 'Oh God, it's a boy,'" Diana said. "His second: 'And he's even got red hair.'" Charles was vocal about his desire for a daughter and reportedly told Diana's mother at Harry's christening, "We were so disappointed - we thought it would be a girl." Wonder what names they would have picked out for a little princess?
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