lundi 18 septembre 2017
Sean Spicer - No, Not Melissa McCarthy - Showed Up to the Emmys
Sean Spicer's unofficial unemployment press tour continues. Following his appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live!, the former press secretary showed up to the 2017 Emmy Awards during Stephen Colbert's opening monologue. As you can imagine, reactions were all over the place.
After Colbert unleashed a barrage of jokes targeted at the president and his current administration, Spicer came out on a motorized podium - a nod to Melissa McCarthy's portrayal of him on Saturday Night Live. Referencing Donald Trump's false claims about his inauguration crowds, Spicer said, "This is the largest audience to witness an Emmys - period!" Meanwhile, McCarthy watched in amazement and shock.
Though many audience members may have been laughing at the unexpected appearance, people online were divided and felt as though we shouldn't normalize the once-invaluable member of Trump's team. Ahead, see how people reacted to the strange moment both at the show and online.
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