dimanche 10 septembre 2017
Take the Plank Challenge to Carve Your Core
We're here to help you challenge your core (you're welcome) with this plank series. It's part of our Jump-Start fitness plan, helping you move every day for two weeks. This challenge uses all sorts of planks to give your arms, abs, back, and butt a great workout. Click here for a printable PDF of this challenge.
Warmup: Do 3 minutes of light cardio followed by 2 minutes of active stretching for your upper body with: shoulder and arm circles, both forward and backward; scarecrow (here's how to do the exercise to warm up your shoulders and hips); and wrist circles.
Round 1: Hold each plank for 30 seconds.
- Plank
- Elbow plank
- Side plank right
- Side plank left
- Reverse plank
Round 2: Hold each plank from previous round for 45 seconds. If you're a beginner, modify this workout by skipping this round.
Round 3: Perform each plank for 45 seconds, resting for up to 15 seconds between moves if needed.
- Elbow plank with side tap
- Plank with shoulder tap
- Side elbow plank with twist on right
- Side elbow plank with twist on left
- Spiderman plank (aka creepy crawler)
Cooldown: Stretch your back, chest, and shoulders.
Keep reading to review all these plank variations.
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