lundi 18 septembre 2017
This Is the Ultimate Nostalgic Fall Bucket List to Complete With Your Kids
Unless you're a total Summer-lover, the arrival of Fall - back to school, cool weather, and pumpkin-everything season - is an exciting time, especially for families. With it being warm enough to still hang around outside in most regions without sweating profusely, there are a bunch of outdoor activities for families to engage in together (whether Halloween-focused or not), not to mention all the delicious food, drinks, and Halloween candy there is to be eaten as a group during the season.
Introduce your kid to your favorite nostalgic childhood activities, as well as plenty of others, with this ultimate Fall bucket list for kids and families (print it out and keep it on your fridge so you and the kids can check off the items you complete together!).
- Go apple picking
- Make apple pie
- Create a masterpiece by using apple halves as stamps with paint
- Rake leaves . . .
- And play in them!
- Set up a scavenger hunt in the backyard
- Put together a big puzzle as a family
- Feed ducks at a local pond or lake (if the rules allow!)
- Paint acorns
- Make a recipe in a slow cooker with the whole family
- Take family photos
- Make a bird feeder
- Craft with fallen leaves
- Go pumpkin picking
- Carve jack-o'-lanterns
- Roast the pumpkin's seeds
- Bake pumpkin pie (or eat one you picked up at the store!)
- Watch Halloween movies
- Sip hot chocolate under cozy blankets
- Go Halloween costume shopping
- Go to a local football game
- Eat candy corn
- Make caramel apples
- Volunteer at or donate to a local food pantry
- Visit a haunted house
- Attend a local Fall festival or farmers market
- Go hiking
- Decorate your house for Halloween
- Bob for apples in the backyard
- Bake Fall cookies
- Visit a corn maze
- Make handprint turkeys for Thanksgiving
- Star gaze on a clear night
- Go trick-or-treating
- Take a foliage drive
- Jump in rain puddles
- Have a Fall picnic in the park
- Eat Halloween candy
- Have a bonfire on a cool night and make s'mores
- Have a family game night (in front of the fireplace, optional)
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