lundi 25 septembre 2017
Warning: This Workout Will Wake Up Muscles You Didn't Know Existed
If you love a challenge and are always looking for new ways to work out, you're going to be a huge fan of AMRAP workouts. AMRAPs, short for "as many reps as possible," are timed workouts where you race against the clock to get in as many reps of a set of exercises as possible.
"When doing AMRAPs, you get to go at your own pace and really focus on technique, which allows more control over every movement," said Austin Lopez, CSCS and founder of Ausome Fit. "Because of this, you're often doing better work than you might in a high-intensity workout, where form is often sacrificed for speed." But, as you do build up your technique and form, you can challenge yourself to increase the total number of reps you complete in each round and will find yourself totally out of breath as you would during any intense HIIT session.
Ready to give it a go? Lopez grouped these moves together - jump squats, push-ups, and burpees - because they work the entire body, which helps you maximize every second spent in the workout.
The Workout
Perform each move for 30 seconds, completing as many reps as possible. After completing the third and final move in the circuit, rest for 45 seconds before beginning again. Run through the circuit a total of four times.
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