vendredi 1 septembre 2017

When a Little Boy Wanted to Be a Princess, Disney Said "No," Then This Happened

Like most toddlers, 3-year-old Noah is obsessed with Queen Elsa and Frozen, so when his mother heard that Disneyland Paris was hosting a "Princess for a Day" event, she immediately reached out to Disney to see if her son could participate. "I knew that there would be NOTHING he'd love more than to get to wear a pretty dress, put makeup on like Mummy does, and have his photo taken being one of his beloved Disney Princesses," Hayley McLean-Glass wrote on her blog.

Unfortunately, Disneyland Paris wrote back to Hayley, denying Noah the experience because "at this time it is not possible to book Princess for a Day for a boy."

Hayley was not OK with this, so the mom penned an open letter to Disneyland Paris, explaining how this decision was so horribly wrong, and she wasn't backing down without a fight.

"If a little girl wants to be a super hero, she can be. If she wants to be a Jedi, she can be. She can be whatever she wants. . . just like Walt Disney himself said, 'If you can dream it you can do it!' . . . Unless you're a little boy who wants a Princess experience at Disneyland apparently. . . that you CAN'T do!" she wrote.

The mom-of-three told ITV News that Noah was wrecked when he found out he wouldn't be able to participate. "I was so angry, I literally couldn't stop shaking for half an hour afterwards - I was just so shocked," she said. "I'm his mother and if I'm OK with him doing it, who are Disney to tell me that he can't do that?"

Disneyland Paris has since "sincerely apologized" to Hayley and Noah, promising that this would never happen again. "Of course, both boys and girls are welcome to enjoy The Princess For a Day experience in addition to all our other special activities," the statement read.

The description of the event on the park's website has also been changed to say: "Every child's wish can come true with a total Princess makeover and hair-styling session; a fairytale transformation they'll treasure forever."


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