mardi 19 septembre 2017

You Will Cry Laughing Watching Melissa McCarthy Pretend She’s on Chopped

Melissa McCarthy stopped by The Late Show With Stephen Colbert to promote her latest comedy, The Boss, and things took a hilarious turn when a Chopped spoof happened. Colbert wanted to know what Melissa and her husband, Ben Falcone, watch at home with their children, and she said, "Chopped . . . I would love to be on it." In order to fit in the alotted time, Colbert said, "we'd have to take everything and smoosh it down," and with that, Smooshed was born.

Colbert gives his best Ted Allen impression when he introduces the basket ingredients - salted crackers, minimarshmallows, and bacon bits - and offers up the pantry ingredients, saying, "Also available is our pantry, which is whatever we could find in the breakroom fridge." With one minute on the clock, Melissa and Ben do their best panic-mode cooking and whip up some . . . interesting dishes. "I'm working on a sweet and savory," Melissa said, and I'll just say there's bologna, peanut butter, and pickles involved. "Mine is a rustic hash. Tuscan-influenced - I played with crunchy, sweet, savory, and meaty," she said. Watch the hilarious video to see the results for yourself; you'll want to gag and cry tears of laughter at the same time.

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