mercredi 20 septembre 2017

You've Got to See the Hysterical Costume President Obama Awarded "Top Prize" in 2015

In late September 2015, Pope Francis was welcomed to the United States by former President Obama and thousands of citizens who lined up to meet him in various cities . . . including a pint-size doppelgänger who dressed in full papal garb. Pope Francis cracked up at the sweet little tot, and though Obama wasn't around for that little bit of hilarity, he got to meet his very own tiny pope at the White House's Halloween event that year - and his reaction was very much the same.

The Obamas were handing out candy to adorable trick-or-treaters at their event when the president spotted the small pope - riding in his "popemobile," complete with security detail - and immediately lost it. The White House posted a video to Twitter of the encounter, in which you can hear President Obama awarding the little babe "top prize." Though it's likely this kiddo has no concept of the honor bestowed upon him just yet, it'll be a pretty great story for him to tell when he's older.

Watch the baby get awarded first place in the video below, and scroll through for hysterical photos of the president doubled over in laughter.

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