lundi 16 octobre 2017

1 Dad's Response to His Kid Spilling a Slushy at Target Is "Parenting Done Right"

Sometimes when your kid makes a mess, it can be particularly overwhelming, especially if you're in a public place. But one dad didn't let the stress get to him when his son spilled a slushy all over the floor in Target. And one mom was so impressed with how he handled the situation, she posted about what happened on Facebook.

Facebook user Kalynne Marie said that although the 6- or 7-year-old boy made a mess of epic proportion - "I'm talking blue and red goop all over the floor, the table, everywhere" - his father definitely kept his cool.

After the boy immediately apologized, his father took the accident as an opportunity to teach his son, rather than getting angry.

"Hey, it happens, let's go get napkins and I can show you how to clean it up," the father said.

According to the nearby mom, the pair went to get napkins and began cleaning up the mess and had a conversation parents everywhere should jot down.

Kalynne wrote that as they were throwing the napkins away, the father said to his son, "You're going to be a human being for a long time, and you have such a smart brain that it's important you learn how to be more aware of what you're doing. So next time just be sure to pay more attention to your surroundings so accidents like this don't happen. Accidents like these can be prevented, but it's still okay if they happen. As long as you take responsibility for your mistakes, the clean up is a breeze."

Talk about a little patience going a long way, right?

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