lundi 9 octobre 2017
10 of the Worst Countries (and 2 of the Worst States) For LGBTQ+ People Today
As the rights of LGBTQ+ persons seem to be advancing at an increasing speed, it can be easy to overlook that more than 2.7 billion people live in countries where homosexuality is illegal. Many countries around the world not only harbor homophobia and transphobia, but take active measures to persecute - and even execute - people because of their sexual and gender identities. And while America might seem like a bastion of sexual and gender freedom, certain states are particularly dangerous for LGBTQ+ persons.
To raise awareness of these problems and to confront the remaining barriers of human rights, we're taking a look at 10 of the worst countries - and two of the worst US states - for LGBTQ+ people today.
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