mercredi 18 octobre 2017

20 Halloween Candies That Are Safe For Anyone With Soy Allergies

Soy allergies are one of the most common in the country, ranking in the top eight allergens list compiled by the FDA. Unfortunately, soy can be found in many foods including meats, cereals, and even chocolates and candies. For children with allergies to the ingredient (and their parents), Halloween can be an especially tough time, but companies are getting smarter about catering to the almost 6 million kids who exhibit allergic reactions to some types of food like soy, peanuts, and eggs.

If your little one has a soy allergy, we're looking to make your Oct. 31 a little easier, so we've compiled a list of popular candies that they can indulge in:

To note: Manufacturing sites and standards can always change. Be extra diligent and read the labels of the above candies carefully to ensure the ingredients on the treats haven't changed and that no warnings on the packaging call out usage of manufacturing equipment shared with soy. If you're unsure that a candy is safe, best practice is to skip that treat.

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