samedi 14 octobre 2017

7 Interesting Clues About the Masked Shooter on Riverdale

By the end of the intense season premiere of Riverdale, we have a chilling realization about the man who shoots Fred Andrews: he might be a serial killer. With the murder of Miss Grundy, it becomes apparent that this isn't a one-time thing. He isn't just some masked vigilante who has a weird vendetta against Fred. It seems we have a cold-blooded killer on our hands, and he's going to strike again. We've already dreamed up a handful of suspects. We've even drafted a theory about Betty's dad and a strange comic-book connection. Before we go any further, we figure it's probably time to assemble all the actual hard evidence we have so far. Shall we?

  1. The killer is an adult male. Unless there are any women in Riverdale with very husky builds, we can pretty safely assume this murderer is male.
  2. He's Caucasian. We've seen the killer a handful of times already, and it's clear he's white-skinned.
  3. He has a lot of physical strength. Given the fact that this person can lift Miss Grundy off the ground, you have to assume he's got a fair amount of upper-body strength. This ain't a puny guy.
  4. He has green eyes. This is one piece of evidence you could potentially cast doubt on. It's possible Archie is misremembering the suspect. He was in shock, after all. For now, though, let's assume it's true.
  5. He's not super experienced. I mean, look at that shoddily cut-up mask! This isn't some carefully calculated masked villain. Even Archie says something like, "Yo, that mask was janky as hell." (I'm paraphrasing.)
  6. He's very likely selecting his victims. As Archie and Pop note, this doesn't seem like a random robbery. The gunman seems to target Fred Andrews. This is supported by the fact that Miss Grundy is quite obviously a deliberate victim as well.
  7. He's not Pop, Archie Andrews, Fred Andrews, or Miss Grundy. Obvious, I know. But hey, any time we can cross a suspect off the list, it's a good thing.

So, who is the killer? It's obviously way too early to do anything other than speculate, but fortunately we have 21 episodes left this season for Riverdale to give us an answer.

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