mardi 24 octobre 2017

A Celebrity Trainer Reveals What Victoria's Secret Models Eat After a Workout

Seeing people who are in amazing shape always makes us wonder what kind of workouts they do and what they eat. Celebrity trainer Michael Blauner has worked with many Victoria's Secret models in his time, and he's already told us a few secrets about their workout routines (for example, LISS is the type of cardio they do most often). POPSUGAR spoke to him once again to find out what exactly these gorgeous women eat, particularly after they've just gotten done with a tough workout.

"Most all models are super conscious of what they eat," Michael said. "Let's face it: no matter how young or genetically blessed one is, you still should be super in control of what you eat to look that spectacular!" Well, at least now we know it's not all due to genes.

Michael says he recommends to all the models he works with that they should usually keep their protein intake higher than their carbs and fats. "Maybe a ballpark 50/30/20 mixture of protein, carbs, and fat during times of hard training," he said. "This doesn't suit everyone, but it's a pretty good overall superfit plan."

As for their exact post-workout snacks? Michael gave us several examples of what the VS Angels eat after they've toweled off their sweat.

  • A cup of nuts mixed with dried fruits
  • Low-fat yogurt and a handful of cereal mixed in
  • Two hard-boiled eggs and a few crackers
  • A couple ounces of grilled steak, chicken, or fish
  • High-quality, low-sugar protein shake (or bar)
  • Fruit, fruit, and more fruit!

"I'm literally loving the idea of healthy food bowl choices out there now," Michael added. "I recommend they find their favorite and keep them readily available because that's what works!"

As for when to eat in relation to your workout, Michael said, "I say always eat something light about 30 minutes prior to training so there's immediate fuel readily available to get us through the session." Additionally, "always consume adequate protein shortly after to begin the process of muscular recuperation." Sounds like a pretty easy rule to follow!

Don't feel like you have to eat these exact snacks if they're not what you like. Find what works for you. Take a look at these 150-calorie post-workout snacks, and you're bound to find something you like.

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