jeudi 5 octobre 2017

American Horror Story: Cult Reveals Kai's Backstory - And It's F*cked Up

The latest episode of American Horror Story: Cult offers up some big answers that we've all been speculating about so far this season, like just who exactly is part of Kai's cult and how he came to be as screwed up as he is.

After the cult dispatches with R.J. via a nail gun - guess that's what you get for having sympathy for a gimp - Kai tries his little pinky trick on Beverly, but she's having none of his BS. She wants to know why she sees photos of his family on the walls of his house. Are his parents "on a Mormon mission to Mars or did [he] kill them too?"

Turns out he didn't kill them . . . they killed themselves. In front of him. Which explains a lot.

Flash back to 2014. Kai's lawyer father spins out his Harley and becomes confined to a wheelchair, which leaves him bitter, abusive, and violent. After berating Kai for his worthless degree in religious studies (we knew he didn't double-major in poli-sci and feminist studies), his father throws his dinner across the kitchen because Kai's mother makes what he thinks are spicy tacos. His father then accuses his mom of having an affair.

During the ensuing after-dinner fight, mom shoots dad (gut shot, which is sure to take a while to kill him) and then shoots herself in the head. Kai calls his brother to help him figure out what to do, and it turns out his older brother is none other than . . . Dr. Rudy Vincent, which is obviously a pseudonym. Kai calls him "Vin," so we're assuming the good doctor's name is actually Vincent Anderson.

We knew Dr. Vincent had to be involved somehow, but we didn't see this twist coming. Also, Winter is confirmed as being the third Anderson sibling, the youngest.

Before Winter comes home from college, Kai and Vinny put their parents' bodies in their bed, cover them with lye to help with decomposition and odor, and lock the bedroom . . . which is super creepy and screwed up. But what's even worse is when Kai tells Winter and lets her in to see the bodies, he is also shown talking to his mother the way one would at a gravesite. Except that she's a rotted corpse and he's holding her hand, promising her that he's going to be someone someday.

Somewhere even Norman Bates is like, "Dude."

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