mardi 3 octobre 2017

Boy Who Saved His Friend's Life Proves Everyone Should Know the Heimlich

Jack Mongeau, an 11-year-old boy, just saved his best friend's life thanks to a vital skill his father, Steve, a licensed nurse's aide, recently taught him: the Heimlich maneuver. When Jack's friend Bella Moran started choking on a lollipop, the girl signaled to her friend that she needed help by putting her hands around her throat. Jack immediately sprung into action performing the Heimlich, and on the fourth or fifth push, the lollipop dislodged from Bella's throat.

The boy won't call himself a hero, and his dad says his son is "an 11-year-old who just jumped in when he had to," but Bella's father James says he's very grateful and thankful to Jack for saving his daughter's life and to Steve, for teaching his son such an important skill. Although this incident ended on a positive note, had Jack not known the Heimlich, things could have ended differently for Bella - an important reminder to all parents to teach their kids (and themselves) vital safety skills in case of emergency.

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