samedi 7 octobre 2017

Here's What Happened When I Let a Stranger Shave My Entire Face

Skin care is my thing. Every day I think carefully about what I put on my skin, what I should put on my skin, and why I haven't put that "thing" on my skin yet. Masks, serums, creams, exfoliants, moisturizers, and facials are factored into my finances before adult things like health insurance and fixing my car. So as you can see, I really, really care about my skin.

Recently, I was invited to visit a skin clinic and gently pushed into shaving my face. How did I let this happen? That's not important. What is important is that I can't say no, especially to a lady with kind eyes and amazing skin holding a teeny blade up to my kisser.

The act of shaving one's face is called dermaplaning - a supercharged form of exfoliation that uses a scalpel blade to shave the dead skin and peach fuzz from your face - and it has become a bit of a trend in beauty circles.

Could I be guaranteed an amazing complexion postshave? I am my father's daughter, and I see what happens to his face when he shaves daily - a 5 o'clock shadow at 10:30 a.m. isn't something I want for me.

Obviously, I wasn't too clued up on the process. I was sure my collection of beauty lotions and potions was all my face needed, but a razor? No way. However, once the blade-wielding therapist started talking me through the process, I felt more at ease. Everything she was saying didn't sound like I'd be sporting stubble for the rest of my days. "Sure! Go ahead, shave my face, why not?" I said, completely faking confidence.

Keep reading for the results.

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