mercredi 11 octobre 2017
Here's Why the Price Tag at Orangetheory Fitness Is Worth Every Penny
If you think Orangetheory Fitness (OTF) studios seem to be popping up all over the place these days, you're not mistaken. The bright colors, enthusiastic community, and unique logo are probably enough to make you want to drop in, and you've likely already read a good review that has convinced you to give it a shot. But first things first: how much does OTF cost?
Class pricing varies by region, so it's worth giving your local studio a call to find out the exact cost of a membership or class. Your first class at any OTF is free; after that, the studio's packages start at $59 and can go up to about $200 for an unlimited plan. The average price for a drop-in class for nonmembers is $28, with a few select locations costing slightly higher than this. Each workout is taught by experienced coaches and features upbeat music and the latest equipment, as well as men's and women's locker rooms and showers. Classes can be booked in advance through an online portal.
Most of OTF's classes consist of 60-minute workouts broken into cardio and strength training. Each workout incorporates endurance, speed, and strength elements by using equipment such as treadmills, rowing machines, TRX suspension training, and free weights. According to the Orangetheory website, participants burn 500+ calories per workout.
All OTF workouts involve heart-rate monitors, which helps participants keep their heart rates in a target zone. This zone is said to help stimulate metabolism and increase energy levels, resulting in the "Orange Effect," which can lead to increased energy, toned muscles, and extra calorie burn for "up to 36 hours after the session." While you're wearing the heart-rate monitor, the instructor is able to see if you're hitting the appropriate target heart-rate zones. This heart rate-based training aspect is what truly sets OTF apart from other high-intensity interval workouts. It's worth noting, however, that the heart-rate monitor is an added cost: only OTF heart-rate monitors sync with its system (other monitors such as Fitbit or Apple Watch won't work), so visits will require the rental ($5) or purchase ($69) of your own OTF chest strap.
So if you seek a group studio workout combined with the motivation that comes with an individualized personal training session, OTF offers quite the bang for your buck.
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