lundi 16 octobre 2017
How to Do Your Hair and Makeup to Land a 3rd Date, According to Matchmakers
The first time I met my husband was on a blind date. We connected via a dating app, and I honestly wasn't excited for the meeting. He sounded fantastic on paper (tall, dark, and handsome with an MBA), but our texting chats were kind of . . . boring. So I went to an after-work Pilates class before our late-night drinks and didn't put too much effort into my hair and makeup.
And holy sh*t! I regretted that! The second my man walked into the crowded wine bar, I thought, "He's really cute!" Oops. Luckily, it didn't matter. We still connected and obviously went out again. But not feeling like my most put-together self did affect my confidence during that meeting.
First impressions matter. Whether your date actually notices your chipped nails - or you just get distracted by them - it's not worth worrying about if you can avoid it. Having feel-good hair and makeup allows you to focus on getting to know this new person.
To help make sense of exactly how to do your beauty look for online dating profile pictures, the first date, and the third date, I consulted with Greta Tufvesson and Nikki Lewis. These women are professional matchmakers for their company, The Bevy. They are connecting singles across the country from San Francisco to New York City.
If what you're doing now isn't working for you, then you may just need their tough love. Because according to this duo, you need to play it safe for the first few meetings, meaning save the bold cat eye for the third date. Here, we got their tips on exactly what to avoid, what to do, and the products to help you achieve it.
By the way, before my second date with my husband, I made an appointment at Drybar.
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