dimanche 15 octobre 2017
SNL's Sketch of Kellyanne Conway as Pennywise Will Haunt You Forever
Things got a bit spooky on Saturday Night Live this week when Kate McKinnon reprised her role as Trump's presidential counselor, Kellyanne Conway. In the three minute skit, Conway appears as Pennywise the Dancing Clown from Stephen King's 1986 horror novel and current blockbuster hit, It, and attempts to coerce CNN's Anderson Cooper (played by Alex Moffat) to invite her on his show. "Don't you want a quote?," she asks.
This wouldn't be the first time the show portrayed Conway as an iconic movie villain. McKinnon (as Conway) also played her own version of Alex Forrest from the Fatal Attraction film in a previous SNL skit. Watch the hilarious sketch above to see what happened once Anderson gives in to "Kellywise". Trust us, it'll give you nightmares.
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