mercredi 25 octobre 2017
The I-Can't-Walk-Down-Stairs-Tomorrow Workout
Don't even think about doing stairs tomorrow. Or sitting down on the toilet. Or sitting on the floor and trying to get up without needing to push up with your hands and grunt yourself to standing. Your legs aren't going to be able to handle it - not after this intense leg day workout.
These eight moves are all about the lower body, so if you need a leg-day workout, you've come to the right place. You'll need a set of medium-weight dumbbells, a moderate-weight kettlebell (or heavy dumbbell), a box or sturdy bench, and a wall.
Directions: Perform each move below for 40 seconds, then take a 20-second rest. Do four rounds of this eight-move workout for a total of 32 minutes.
The Workout
- Dumbbell thrusters
- Alternating forward lunges with biceps curls
- Dumbbell (kettlebell) swings
- Side lunge to curtsy squat
- Box jumps (or jump squats)
- Single-leg bridge kicks
- Dumbbell sumo squat
- Wall sit
See below for descriptions of all eight exercises.
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